Section: Software


Participants : Chadi Barakat [correspondant] , Thierry Turletti.

BitHoc (BitTorrent for wireless ad hoc networks) enables content sharing among spontaneous communities of mobile users using wireless multi-hop connections. It is an open source software developed under the GPLv3 licence. A first version of BitHoc has been made public. We want BitHoc to be the real testbed over which we evaluate our solutions for the support and optimization of file sharing in a mobile wireless environment where the existence of an infrastructure is not needed. The proposed BitHoc architecture includes two principal components: a membership management service and a content sharing service. In its current form it is composed of PDAs and smartphones equipped with WIFI adapters and Windows Mobile 6 operating system.

See also the web page http://planete.inria.fr/bithoc

  • Version: 1.2

  • Keywords: Tracker-less BitTorent for mobile Ad Hoc networks

  • License: GPL (GPLv3)

  • Type of human computer interaction: Windows Mobile 6 GUI

  • OS/Middelware: Windows Mobile 6

  • Required library or software: OpenSSL(http://www.openssl.org/ , GPL), C++ Sockets, GPL)

  • Programming languages: C++, C#

  • Documentation: doxygen